Interactive Whiteboards

Powerful visuals stimulate creativity, new ideas, and experiences that engage the different learning and thinking styles of your teams, customers, and audiences for more productive meetings. Bring your ideas into focus with engaging visuals and video conferences that illustrate ideas and encourage teamwork and innovation. Our interactive flat panel displays come in a variety of sizes and resolutions for the best possible visual experience. Our high-quality, high-resolution screens with interactive features empower your students and teams to collaborate, share, edit and annotate in real-time,wherever they are.

interactive whiteboard

Are you satisfied with how communication is done in your business?

A high-quality digital whiteboard, also called an interactive flat panel display (IFPD), adds focus and creativity to every meeting. Teams will get more done as they edit on the fly and exchange ideas in real time. A range of sizes fit home, offices, classrooms and training rooms. Ricoh's high-quality Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) encourage innovative collaboration anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. You can use IWBs to enable ideas to be shared right away and reduce work to produce meeting minutes, helping to maximize team performance.

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Create dynamic learning environments with interactive whiteboarding and image-sharing capabilities.
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Better Standards

Smooth writing, high-resolution display and easy remote image sharing brings collaboration to your meeting or boardroom.
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Ideal for developing, recording, and sharing ideas visually across multiple locations, thereby boosting productivity and facilitate flexible working.
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Connect to the web and mobile devices to enhance presentations with online content.
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